odio la navidad

Gracias Nigel Godrich por aburrirme tanto con tu producción sensible...
Nigel Godrich has produced the new charity single 'Do they know it's Christmas?'. The track is a remake of the 1984 hit under the name Band Aid 20. The band was formed by Thom Yorke (piano), Jonny Greenwood (guitar), Paul McCartney (bass), Danny Goffey (drums) and Fran Healy (guitar).
Y el clip lo dejo en manos de weblog killed the videostar , que sabrán qué hacer.
Para compensar y desquitarme:
The 8bitpeoples
The 8bits of Christmas
This very special holiday release from 8bitpeoples features an allstar cross-platform lineup that is sure to make yours a truly chippy christmas indeed. Brought together from all corners of the globe, these 8 amazing tunes were composed by 8 dedicated chiptune maniacs on 8 different videogame consoles and homecomputers! Featuring the sounds of Yerzmyey on the Spectrum, Nullsleep on the NES, Vim on the VIC20, Paul Slocum on the Atari 2600, Bit Shifter on the GameBoy, Goto80 on the C64, Dma-Sc on the Atari ST, and Hally on the X68000, there is only one way to celebrate the holidays right this year, and this is it.
Un compilado navideño descerebrado...
7 comentarios
autista_boy -
cabe -
caro -
nerd aid 20 -
Don -
carlos -
nerd of today -